Thursday, December 3, 2015

To what extent do animals (non-humans) have language?

Language: Language is the verbal or non-verbal communication between individuals by using words structured in a specific order (syntax). Spoken language uses different sounds (phonology). Words have different variations (morphology). Speaking is physiologically made possible through a vocal tract; only humans have this, therefore from a purely physiological perspective animals cannot "speak".

Examples of animal "language": 

  • Vervet monkeys give different alarm calls ("cries") for different predators.
  • Alex the smart talking parrot.
  • Kanzi the Bonobo ape can talk via a lexigram (keyboard with pictures for words) and sign language. Tiko is her son, who is raised in this "bispecies" environment (raised by both the researcher and the ape) and will hopefully be able to speak fluently and behave like a human.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Language and Sense Perception

How do language and sense perception connect?

Body Language
Sign Language

The Kuuk Thaayorre tribe navigates with cardinal directions instead of the "traditional" left-right directions.

Why it is difficult to understand sense perception:

Metaphors with sense perception:

  • Temperature
    • Having a "hot" date.
    • Boiling mad.
    • Heated debate.
    • Cool!
  • Touch and Texture:
    • That was hard to do.
    • She has a soft voice.
    • Things are going smoothly.
    • Don't pressure me into making a bad decision!
  • Light:
    • I'm feeling blue.
    • You light up my life.
    • The darkest thoughts of men.
    • A colorful person.
  • Taste:
    • Ain't she sweet.
    • Bittersweet memories.
    • You have a great taste in music!
    • Could you give me a little sugar, honey?
  • Smell:
  • Sound:
    • Her sounds rang true.
    • Your words are music to my ears.
    • The high note of the evening.
    • I feel like we ended things on a low note last time.
And here is an optical illusion that shows why we can not trust what we see:

Sense Perception in Science

What is the role of sense perception in science?

  • We see the numbers of rabbits declining from 2009 by counting them
  • We see how ice turns into water (melts) when we feel the warmth
  • We hear the tuning fork's different sounds with different masses of water
  • We can use devices to see infrared light
Perception Problems:
  • Capgras Syndrome: "You look like my mother, but I know you are not her, just an impostor." - Remembers and recognizes faces, but cannot identify them
  • Blindsight: "I don't know which emotion that face has, but I can probably guess." - Can recognize which emotion they see 60% of the time
  • Asymbolia: "Ouch, that hurts. But you can do it again." - No emotional connection to pain