It is bad because it is illegal in most countries
In a lot of cases, addiction causes human to abuse others, which is also illegal
Some (soft) drugs should be legal, because they make the users happy when they are in a sad place
Soft drugs are similar to alcohol and cigarettes, which also calm people down thereby maximising happiness
However, their use should be strictly controlled, because they would otherwise harm others (or themselves)
Hard drugs should remain outlawed because it is relatively easy to OD
After research:
- Drugs are bad and should, therefore, remain illegal
- What if everyone was doing it? e.g. doctor working under the influence of crystal meth
- We should work on creating an ideal environment for everyone
- Just because using drugs is convenient and would make you feel better it is not a good argument (Kant: "regulating our judgment upon a principle of convenience (i.e., on a system of eudaimonism), affords no ground of duty")
- Counterargument of same side: Every person has the right to liberty and pursuit of happiness
- Legalize!
- Police have more pressing issues to deal with
- More harmful drugs like nicotine and alcohol are legal for personal use
- It should be left up to the individual as a personal choice (they trust the person being knowledgeable and having good instinct in order to make good choices)
- Drugs such as marijuana have medical benefits
- In the case of marijuana: "Is it ethical to deny someone who has chronic pain a natural pain reliever with less harmful side effects? Most prescribed pain relievers contain acetaminophen, which can cause liver damage and failure. Then there are the other narcotics that are more susceptible to abuse and addiction."
- Lots of people get incarcerated for drug use nowadays, but this tears families apart (sometimes children are taken away) and ruins that person's chances at a better, happier future
- Money gained from taxing the use of drugs could be well spent by the government